应用Strangler模式将遗留系统分解为微服务:第一部分 – CodesCode
还有另一种模式我想谈谈 – 窒息器模式 – 这是一种用于逐步将旧系统转换为新系统的迁移模式,以最小化风险。
- 购物车服务
- 支付处理服务和退款
- 库存管理服务:产品数量在售出时应减少,在订单退款时应增加。
public class Product{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } public int StockQuantity { get; set; } public Category ProductCategory { get; set; }}public class Category{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }}public class ShoppingCartItem{ public Product Product { get; set; } public int Quantity { get; set; }}public class ShoppingCart{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public List<ShoppingCartItem> Items { get; set; } public Customer Customer { get; set; } public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }}public class Order{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public List<ShoppingCartItem> Items { get; set; } public Customer Customer { get; set; } public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; } public DateTime CreatedAt { get; set; }}
public class BillingService : IBillingService{ public Order CreateOrder(Customer customer, List<ShoppingCartItem> items) { return new Order { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), //创建新的订单号 Items = items, Customer = customer, TotalAmount = CalculateTotalAmount(items), CreatedAt = DateTime.Now }; } private decimal CalculateTotalAmount(List<ShoppingCartItem> items) { decimal totalAmount = 0; foreach (var item in items) { totalAmount += item.Product.Price * item.Quantity; } return totalAmount; }}
在共享项目中,理想情况下,您需要为 IBillingService
public interface IBillingService{ public Order CreateOrder(Customer customer, List<ShoppingCartItem> items);}
现在,您可以对 CreateOrder
在真实世界中,常见的做法是创建一个 IBillingRepository
创建完购物车后,下一步是处理客户付款。让我们继续创建 Payment Service 项目及其相关模型。
public class Payment{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public decimal Amount { get; set; } public PaymentStatus Status { get; set; } public DateTime PaymentDate { get; set; } public PaymentMethod PaymentMethod { get; set; }}public enum PaymentStatus{ Pending, Approved, Declined,}public enum PaymentMethod{ CreditCard, DebitCard, PayPal,}public class Receipt{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public Order Order { get; set; } public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; } public DateTime IssuedDate { get; set; }}public class PaymentService : IPaymentService{ private PaymentGateway paymentGateway; public PaymentService() { this.paymentGateway = new PaymentGateway(); } public Payment MakePayment(decimal amount, PaymentMethod paymentMethod, string paymentDetails) { // In a real system, you would handle the payment details and validation before calling the payment gateway. return paymentGateway.ProcessPayment(amount, paymentMethod, paymentDetails); }}public class ReceiptService : IReceiptService{ public Receipt GenerateReceipt(Order order) { var receipt = new Receipt { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Order = order, TotalAmount = order.TotalAmount, IssuedDate = DateTime.Now }; return receipt; }}
在这个 Service 项目中,您需要创建和实现以下接口:
public Interface IPaymentService{ public Payment MakePayment(decimal amount, PaymentMethod paymentMethod, string paymentDetails); }public Interface IReceiptService{ public Receipt GenerateReceipt(Order order);}public Interface IPaymentRepository{ public Payment ProcessPayment(decimal amount, PaymentMethod paymentMethod, string paymentDetails)} public class PaymentGateway : IPaymentRepository{ public Payment ProcessPayment(decimal amount, PaymentMethod paymentMethod, string paymentDetails) { // In a real system, you would handle the payment details and validation before calling the payment gateway. // 在真实的系统中,您将在调用支付网关前处理支付明细和验证。 var payment = new Payment { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Amount = amount, Status = PaymentStatus.Pending, PaymentDate = DateTime.Now, PaymentMethod = paymentMethod }; // In a real system, you would connect to a payment gateway and process the payment, updating the payment status accordingly. // For example, you might use an external payment processing library or API to handle the transaction. // Simulating a successful payment here for demonstration purposes. // 在真实的系统中,您将连接到支付网关并处理支付,更新支付状态。 // 例如,您可以使用外部支付处理库或API来处理交易。 // 在这里模拟成功的付款,用于演示目的。 payment.Status = PaymentStatus.Approved; return payment; }}
public class Product{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } public int QuantityInStock { get; set; } public Category ProductCategory { get; set; }}public class Category{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; }}public class Supplier{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string ContactEmail { get; set; }}public class PurchaseOrder{ public Guid Id { get; set; } public Supplier Supplier { get; set; } public List<PurchaseOrderItem> Items { get; set; } public DateTime OrderDate { get; set; } public bool IsReceived { get; set; }}public class PurchaseOrderItem{ public Product Product { get; set; } public int QuantityOrdered { get; set; } public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }}public interface IInventoryManagementService{ void ReceivePurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder); void SellProduct(Product product, int quantitySold);}public class InventoryManagementService : IInventoryManagementService{ public void ReceivePurchaseOrder(PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder) { if (purchaseOrder.IsReceived) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The order is already placed."); } foreach (var item in purchaseOrder.Items) { item.Product.QuantityInStock += item.QuantityOrdered; } purchaseOrder.IsReceived = true; } public void SellProduct(Product product, int quantitySold) { if (product.QuantityInStock < quantitySold) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Item not in stock."); } product.QuantityInStock -= quantitySold; }}
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